
Dear Reader

Business Development is a complex topic. In such case the questions raised are more important than potential answers. Therefore, this blog will focus on presenting questions. There will be answers, full or partial, to be supplamented by links presented when relevant. The answers from my experience will be clearer once the questions are clearer.

While this is not a discussion forum, readers are invited to comment, and the comments will help determine the topics and current issues to be explained in the future.


Monday, September 27, 2010

My New Book - Coolaborative Research in Management - inside out

This post is going to be different than the other posts in the past. This month after a long process my first book came out in print. The book deals with collaborative research (CR) focusing on Academy-Industry collaboration on two levels.

The first is the academic-research-education oriented level, setting the definitions, the models and the theory behind the activity. It relates also to the role of the third main player the Government. In that aspect the book or that part of the book, is a good starting point (I am very modest as you can see) for beginners, or for practitioners seeking to organize their concepts.

The second level is a practical level, dealing with the practicalities of lunching a CR program, participating in it, and what to do when being left out. This part of the book is practical and is meant for practitioners from Industry, Academy government and consultants active in the field.

Writing the book has not been easy, and has been lengthy. The process speeded much when Prof. Shlomo Maital introduced me to Sage publications and the people working there. It was their expertize and competent management that brought us to the end of the process in a relatively short time.

This is a good opportunity to thank those that helped me, Prof. Maital and the wonderful people in Sage publication.

The publication leads to the next stage - getting people to actually read it. The book was not intended as a check point - another thing done, but rather in order to have some impact. This is where you, the readers come in.

Any Ideas?

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